Have you been a bad boy in class today? Yeah you….the sexy one sitting in the back, texting and chatting with the girl next beside you when you think I did not notice?? Guess what honey, I saw you and you have one hour of detention after the rest of the class leaves……the 3:30 bell rings, and you must remain seated. Just wait until Teacher Kirsten gets out the paddle and other toys I keep under lock and key, inside of my desk. Go turn out the light and lock the door, while I erase the chalkboard. Oops, I dropped some chalk! Gasp! Did you take a little sneak peek at my lacy black thong under my short skirt?? Hmmm….I think you deserve to be punished for that.
Since you are such a hot stud, I think I will let you off easy and just make you lick my hot, wet pussy for a little while. Before we get too far into our teacher/pupil phone sex fantasies, go pull the window shades down as I unbutton my black silk blouse, then remove my matching lace bra, but work your way down slowly. Don’t go too fast or I will use this paddle on your rock hard behind. See…this is what happens to hot, horny boys when they do give me their full attention. Call me if you are hot for teacher and want to find out what else I will do to you 😉
Call Kirsten at 1-888-474-6769 for all your phone sex fantasies
Yahoo and AIM: KinkyKirstenxxx