Do I enjoy having small penis humiliation phone sex? More than you will ever know! I love to laugh and talk about you tiny dick losers. It is even better when I am able to feminize you in panties and really humiliate you. You should not even be permitted to dress like a man if your cock is under 7 inches long. I will laugh hard at your inferior cock and I may even expose your tiny dick on my blog. I even take it further than just teasing your pathetic ass. I may force you to suck on huge black cocks for me and even make you get fucked like a bitch! Small penis humiliation phone sex with me should be about letting out your kinky side and doing whatever it takes to make sure that I am entertained. I even like to torture that tiny piece of shit cock of yours and kick it, punch it, pull it, whatever I can do to make you feel like you are less than the dirt on the bottom of my heels he-he Stop using those 2 fingers to stroke off and get to it.
Call 1-888-474-6769 and ask for Mimi, your small penis humiliation phone sex addiction.
Yahoo: mimi_squirts
AIM: mimisquirts4xxx