This male that I’m with (he’s hardly a man) isn’t enough for me. You know how that is. So many wonderful sexy women end upw ith inferior men that can’t satisfy them. It happens way too often, and that is why I am on the lookout for real pure cock. If you’ve had cuckold phone sex with an unsatisfied woman like me you know all about what we’re after. I’m hoping that you have it. If the man I lay besdie each night can’t make my head spin, well there is always someone out there who can. It’s not even a matter of having a little dick, though he falls into that category also. He’s just not strong or manly enough to keep up with my needs. So I don’t even bother to hide it that I find men who can give me what I need.
It really arouses me when I rub it in his face that most of my lovers are younger than him, and younger than I am too. There is something that is so humiliating for him to know that men with less experienced than him know how to please me much better than him. I suppose I can see why, and that makes it such a pleasure to reveal it to him. I come home glowing and covered in sweat and let him rub my back while I tell him how many times my younger lover made me scream in orgasm. I’m sure he remembers that sound, but it’s been so long since he’s inspired it I’m not really sure. When I’m feeling particuarly wicked I bring men back to our place and let them fuck me while he watches. It makes his pathetic cock so hard to see me enjoy myself like that. Are you the kind of man I would bring home for a show?
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