I saw him browsing porn. I didn’t intend to. I wouldn’t have judged him for it, really. To hear what kind of porn I had to strain my ears. It was an excellent method of discovering that he liked seeing big black cock phone sex. Consider that. My spouse was enthralled. His cock protruded past his navel. He was twice as big as the cock on the screen. He placed his hand on his cock and licked his lips. He was caressing his cock without realizing it. He was observing a large black cock slip down a woman’s throat at the moment. He jerked more quickly the longer he watched. He slapped his balls up and down in lust. His balls suddenly exploded. After merely witnessing a blow job, he came so hard that I became quite interested in what I could do next. I left an iPad playing some BBC porn. He saw it, I’m sure. He remained silent. After an hour or so, I saw him jerking his cock while standing nude in the garage and getting all over some oily towels.
“I know what you’ve been doing,” I told him. He stared at me. Color flooded his face. A big black cock phone sex session is an entirely normal desire. Wanting to see your mate with someone else is a common fetish. However, if you want to watch her tight pink pussy being stretched by a large black cock, that’s something else. There’s something about seeing a massive black cock that makes you hard. You can’t wait to witness the long, thick log in action. Your eyes glaze over as you watch all the ropes of cum emerge from those massive black balls. Bi curious fantasies are common among men. They can’t help but like the sight of a phallic object when they watch porn. Many middle-aged men find that they want to experience cocks as much as they like to gaze at them, despite the fact that many men detest admitting this. I like to investigate their passion for cocks, especially BBCs, which are particularly attractive. Nothing compares to the first time a shy person slides a big black cock into their mouth! More than a hard cock in my pussy, it makes me so wet.
Some men desire to have a large black cock in their mouths and asses. You want to stretch your throat and ass with a large black cock. An assortment of large black cocks waiting to suck you with their massive black ball juice wouldn’t bother you. Fantasy of either kind is acceptable. I’d appreciate it if you could give me a call at 1-888-474-6769, Jackie, and tell me about your big black cock fantasies.