I have an awesome story to tell you that would be great for cheating wife phone sex! I used to work in sales for a software company that had Bi-Annual sales conferences to keep us updated on company updates as well as new competitors. That meant 10 fun-filled days away from home and my husband, every year. Yes, I was a cheating wife. Guys do it all the time, right? The conferences were often in really cool places like Santa Fe, San Diego, and San Francisco. The last one I attended before working here was in Las Vegas. Just like ALL sales meetings for those of us who were married that meant one thing… or two things if I was lucky…lol. Drinking and sex and more drinking and more sex and so on. You get the picture. Yes, there were also mandatory sales meetings, but at 4 am when you’ve got a BBC in your ass and a sexy woman eating your pussy…you’re not really thinking about market revenue!!! haha. It was pretty well known who the biggest group of partiers were. You guessed it, Yup, I was in that group. Actually, I had partied with pretty much all of the cliques or groups, one time or another. If I’m going to be a cheating wife – why not do it all?? Why do you think I’m so good at this job…lol (not all of my role plays are fantasies guys, wink wink). I’ve lived through and starred in many of my own role-plays and I’m proud of it! haha. My group had adjoining rooms so there were at least six sexual dens of iniquity strung together and all on the companies tab!! GREAT JOB RIGHT ?? You bet your fucking ass it was!!
Everyone had a certain clique or group that they hung out with and spent the “nonworking” hours with. Most of these parties were all-nighters, and that’s why the company started all their sales meetings at noon. Even then, hardcore partiers and sex-starved cheating wives and husbands didn’t get much “sales info” as we pretended we did to our spouses. But we sure did drink some great scotch and learned a lot of new sexual moves and positions to bring home. For some reason all of us came home to our partners with a rejuvenated sense of debauchery and depravity, well, I’ll speak for myself. But everyone did. And our spouses loved it!
Give me a call and let’s talk about sex where we work together, or a role play with you as my boss for sex on an overnight work trip? C’mon guys…I want to hear your stories or make up new ones. Dial 1 888 474 6769 and ask for Charlie for cheating wife phone sex!