Last time you contacted me for cougar phone sex, you got a nut busting experience you didn’t expect. My mature pussy locked itself around your cock and milked you of every ounce you had. Even after you came, I took you into my mouth and traced letters around the tip, making you come back every evening for more. I know it’s hard to resist a woman who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it. I have a special surprise for you for our next encounter.
I’ll invite you to my secret place and fuck your entire mind. As soon as you enter, you’ll be taken back by the relaxing ambience while your cock twitches in your pants waiting for the next step for our evening rendezvous. I’ll walk seductively towards you as I instruct you to have a sit on the sofa. While I blindfold you, your palms get sweaty and your breathing gets heavy as you begin to anticipate what I have in store. My cougar phone sex gets better as I guide your fingers into my forbidden love hole and allow you to search for my g-spot. My body begins to tremble as you get closer while my juices flow down below.
Before I climax, I remove your fingers and put them into your mouth so you can taste my sweet nectar. As I look over at your pants, I see your cock has practically busted out of them so I allow you to release him. I tell you to grab my hands and guide me to your cock for cougar phone sex. Once I’m on him, I go up and down making the ride even more slippery as my juices fall to the floor. You love the fact that I’m in control and that you can only feel what’s going on and not see a thing.
Don’t miss out on a hot cougar phone sex session with the hottest cougar around. Call 1 888 474 6769 and ask for Cora.
AIM: SultryCora