I know you ended up here because you’re looking for some super hot cougar phone sex, right? You really could not ask for a hotter slut than me. I love younger cocks like yours. You get hard as a rock, have tons of stamina, and you can have round two very quickly after you cum. I mean, what’s not to love about that?! I know that you’re eager and you’ll do anything it takes to please an older woman like me. I think we could have a really awesome time together, don’t you?
Is there a woman in your life that you really wish you could put your dick in, but you can’t for any number of reasons? Maybe she’s just not attainable. Or maybe she’s someone taboo that you know it would just not be okay to fuck. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop thinking about it. In fact, a roleplay with a cougar phone sex slut like me might be just the thing that helps you get it out of your system. But you might get addicted to that fantasy even more than you already are and you’ll just end up calling me more for all your taboo cougar fantasies.
Do you want to be seduced by the older woman in you life? I am quite the seductress and I would love to talk you into putting your dick in my hot pussy. Just because I’m a little older than you doesn’t mean that my pussy is all used up and loose. Trust me when I say that my pussy feels every bit as good as those girls your own age that you’ve been fucking.
Are you ready for your cougar phone sex fantasy now? Just call me now at 1 888 474 6769 and ask to talk to Patty!
AIM: Patty_Pleasure
Yahoo: Pattypleasure