It’s so interesting how many guys love to have small penis humiliation phone sex with me. They come in droves begging for my brand of put downs and berating. Guys love to have their tiny dicks made fun of, and oh how I love to make their day. However, I do get many questions from guys about their own small penis’ (I’m refraining from using the word cock because it doesn’t really apply now does it). I get asked the same ones again and again, so I figured it was about time to make an FAQ. Here are the top 5 dumb ass questions guys ask about their small dicks.
1. Do girls like small dicks? No. Girls hate small dicks. Not just because they’re small and we can’t feel them, but also because having a small dick somehow makes you act like a little cunt. Maybe it’s a lack of testosterone, I don’t know I’m no doctor. But whatever it is, it’s not hot. Girls know before you pull down your pants. We have dick sense.
2. Do you think it’s odd that I haven’t had sex with a woman in a long time? No, not at all. I’m actually surprised that you’ve ever had sex with a woman at all. Quite frankly, I feel sorry for whoever you have fucked. She must have been so disappointed, but probably tried to be nice about it. I’m sure she laid there as you pumped that disgusting little wiener into her three or four times and then squirted out your droplets. How degrading. Gross actually.
3. What does cum taste like? Ok, look. You have a penis right (I know this is arguable)? You cum right (yes, even tiny little squirts count)? If you’re curious and you have the equipment, find out for yourself. Why should I tell you what cum tastes like? And honestly, cum from each person tastes different. Cum from a healthy 10 inch cock tastes much different from that of a 2 inch tee tiny nub. Honestly, that is a theory of mine which I’ve never tested. I don’t go around tasting nub cum. Ewwww.
4. Do you want me to taste it for you? Honestly, I don’t give a fuck. You’re the one ready to blow a tiny air load over the thought of tasting it. Taste it, don’t taste it. I don’t care. It’s not like I’ll know if you’re lying or will even care if you’re not. What I’d really love to see is the look on your face as you’re doing it. Lips pursed, nose turned up, you’re tongue all pointy because you’re scared to taste your own jizz. LOL.
5. How do big cocks feel? Fucking fantastic. It is a delight to get fucked by someone with a huge member that can stretch you out and fill you up. It’s heavenly actually. I know you ask this because you’ll never see that look of ecstasy on a woman’s face. The best you’ll get is a look like WTF? So you fantasize about supersized cocks, so much so that you’re willing to take one in the ass. You just want me to tell you to do it. Let me go on the record now and say, DO IT! That’s some funny shit right there! You won’t ever have to ask this questions again, though you’ll probably become a faggot for big cocks.
So there you have it. The top 5 questions asked by guys with tiny dicks, like you. I’m so glad I got that off my chest. Now I won’t have to answer this stupidity when you call me for small penis humiliation phone sex at 1 888 474 6769. Talk to you soon, you little bitch 🙂 xoxo Tina