Hi there guys I know you are looking for a hot and horny MILF for a MILF phone sex fantasy you’ve been wanting to share for some time now. I am just the MILF you have been searching for, and I am up for whatever you may have in store for me! I never understood what mom I’d like to fuck was like until after my son was born, and then I saw men look at me in a whole new way. My breasts were bigger and I saw men just lust after my new found tits. After my son was born I was worried that my pussy wasn’t going to be the same, and so I made sure the doctor put the extra stitch in so I’d be nice and tight again! Plus after you have a baby they are so demanding you don’t really have time for sex, and that is why I’m in desperate need of being fucked. I am so horny all the time and just thinking about a nice big hard cock makes me instantly wet! I’m wet right now writing this, and thinking about hot MILF phone sex with you. I just have cock on the brain right now and it isn’t going to be satisfied until I’m fucked properly, and I want it to be by you! Thinking about all of the things I could do to you and your cock is only making me want you inside of my hot MILF pussy even more! I want you to be able to feel what a good job the doctor did making my pussy all tight for you again. You know you’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to fuck someone else’s mom, and that is why I know you will call me for hot wet MILF phone sex!
Call 1-888-474-6769 and ask for Paige for the ultimate MILF phone sex fantasy!
AIM: Paige.PlaysWithU
Yahoo: PaigePlaysWithU
Twitter: @PaigeThomas34