When you call me for humiliation phone sex, you never know what I’ll use against you. Having a tiny penis is certainly the most obvious, but I also use any other information I happen to find out. No topic is too sensitive. I’ve made fucking cancer patients cry because I just don’t give a fuck. You mean nothing to me. You’re just a pathetic asshole that gets off on being told the truth about who you are. Are you a closeted faggot? Are you a spineless piece of shit that lets everyone walk all over you? Do you fancy yourself an alpha male when really you’re a fucking pussy? Whatever it is, I’ll find out and I’ll use it to make you feel fucking minuscule.
I love it when a humiliation phone sex caller tells me how hot I am (like I didn’t already know that) and how badly they want to cum for me. Those are the ones I love to ignore. Yes, I said ignore. He’s on the line grunting and stroking and I’m playing on Facebook or chatting with other guys. Sometimes I’m just filing my nails and sighing. I mean, was this really supposed to make me hot? Some callers tell me that they saved up a long time to call me and I just laugh and laugh at those broke ass mother fuckers. You probably still live at home with your momma and suck her tit every night. Dumb ass perv.
Whatever the case may be, I’m going to talk you lower than a dog. Because you have no fucking pride, you take it and keep stroking your disgusting cock. I will use you to get out all my frustrations. I probably won’t even let you cum because you don’t fucking deserve it. You don’t deserve anything except every fucked up thing that happens in your pitiful little life. Oh, and humiliation phone sex.
Call Tina and she’ll tell you why you’re a piece of shit. 1-888-474-6769.
Yahoo: tinaturnsuon
AIM: tina_turnsuon