I’m Suzanne and I love size queen phone sex. Small dicks are useless to me… just ask my husband. We’ve been married for a couple years, and I haven’t once had sex with him. We even took my boyfriend Steve on our honeymoon. I shared the honeymoon suite with him and my husband slept in a smaller room alone. Sure, we let him in just to watch me get my pussy pounded by that big black cock, but then he had to go sleep by himself.
You have a super small dick too, and I bet your wife is out right now fucking another guy… a REAL man. That’s why you’re online looking for a size queen phone sex Goddess like me to call and serve. I’ll tell you just exactly what your wife is doing while she’s out… in explicit detail. You’ll probably get to eat the creampie out of her gaping pussy when she comes home. You’re looking forward to that, aren’t you? You’d like to deny it… but you know you want to do that so badly!
Get out your phone and dial 1 888 474 6769 and ask for Suzanne for size queen phone sex!!
AIM and Yahoo: CuckWifeSuzanne