Trust me when I say that I don’t declare myself an ebony BBC phone sex mistress at the beginning of most friendships or relationships. Anyone who has the privilege of meeting me, however, immediately learns that this ebony queen is not someone to mess with. Thus, there was respect between Ashley and Timothy, my new neighbors. Ashley and I became friends quite soon. While Timothy was at work, I spent a lot of time with Ashley. I soon discovered that Timothy was the traditional kind. Ashley should have dinner ready at home, he reasoned. It was adorable. Whatever worked for them, hey. I loved it if they enjoyed it. But it was the complete opposite. This mother fucker had no dick to give, in addition to not giving her the excellent dick. After a day of shopping, I just so happened to discover this. She finally broke down when we went out for drinks. She started to express her sexual frustration. I leaned in to get all the nasty details, my inner ebony mistress.
All of this information was part of my strategy to make them my BBC phone sex cuckold pair. She started explaining their relationship’s dynamics to me. She clarified that he was the only man she had ever dated and that they had been together since high school. Her husband’s cock was the only one she had ever seen. It blew my mind. It was unbelievable to me that this attractive young woman had only ever had one cock in her entire life. At that point, things started to move. Naturally, as an ebony mistress, I came up with a strategy and promptly implemented it. I immediately started searching through my phone’s pictures to locate some of the large black dick pictures that had been forwarded to me. She was virtually drooling over the photos as I watched. I wanted to know whether this Timothy motherfucker had her shut away from the internet in a basement. She was writhing in her seat, and I could see she was becoming wet. I was craving a large black dick and had a right where I needed her. She must have been thinking of big black cocks as we drove silently back home. With a BBC that seeks to please, I texted a good buddy of mine as I was seated on the passenger side.
As we arrived at my driveway, I motioned for her to enter. After she parked, a large black SUV drove up behind her, obstructing her path as we both stepped out. We keep coming into my house. Through the window, I could see her watching. She was observing and curious about the two attractive black males who were approaching my driveway. I disregarded her inquiries when she started to ask them. They gave me a cheek kiss after letting themselves in through the front entrance. In front of her, they both started taking off their clothes and flashing the big black cocks she had been swooning over. To bring her down to the ground, I put my hand on her shoulder. I instructed her to open her mouth in front of them. She stared at me nervously. But I looked at her to let her know that I wasn’t she. Bitch, I’m not your friend. Your Ebony BBC phone sex Mistress is me. Call 1 888 474 6769 today for your horny ebony Mistress Jackie.